Emergency Management Sector Deployments

Director's Guideline for Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups [DGL 25/24]

Deployments to other local authorities, CDEM Groups, agencies, or the NCC/NCMC during a response, allow deployed staff to gain valuable experience and help to increase their individual capability. It also allows staff to develop relationships with their peers in different organisations, which may be invaluable in subsequent responses.

This guideline provides a consistent approach to the deployment of CDEM Sector Surge staff from local and regional councils, NEMA, and other agencies to CDEM coordination centres. It provides best practice guidance around deployments, taking into account the health, wellbeing, and fatigue management of deployed staff.

It covers the key processes and requirements for Sector Deployments throughout Readiness, Response, and Recovery. It describes the Sector Deployment Principles, the Deployment Cycle, and provides a standard operating model that the CDEM Sector can refer to.

Download the Director's Guideline [DGL 25/24] (PDF 1.9MB)
