Exercise Tangaroa 2016

In 2016, Exercise Tangaroa exercised a national response to a regional-source tsunami. The exercise was held over 31 August, 14 September and 28 September.

The scenario involved a tsunami generated from a magnitude 9.1 earthquake near the Kermadec Trench. It was designed to provide some warning time and to impact as much of the New Zealand coastline as possible.  

One hundred and one government and non-government agencies participated in the exercise. Including five international organisations. This is the largest collaboration to date under the National CDEM Exercise Programme

The post-exercise report gives an overview of Exercise Tangaroa 2016. It summarises the key findings from evaluation and feedback of the exercise. 

The report found that the Exercise was well-organised, documented and executed. It concludes that the lead-up, preparation and coordination of participating agencies was excellent. And that there was effective engagement and multi-level collaboration between agencies. 

The report also recommends how agencies and systems can enhance their readiness, response and recovery. 
