Get prepared for an emergency

The Get Ready website has information and advice to help you prepare for an emergency.

Get household ready

It’s up to you to make sure your family, and the people you care about, know what to do and that you all have what you need to get through on your own.

Work out what supplies you need

Get your household ready

Get ready at work

Emergencies can happen anytime, including during business hours. You can’t predict when they will happen, but you can take actions to make your business more prepared.

Get ready at work

Get your school ready

Schools play a large role in keeping the community safe. Find information about school responsibilities and how to teach students the knowledge and skills they need to be more prepared for an emergency.

Get your school ready

Get your marae ready

The Marae Emergency Preparedness Plan is designed to help marae be as prepared as possible in the event of a natural disaster or emergency. Find a link on the Get Ready website.

Get your marae ready

Advice for disabled people

If you have a disability or any requirements that may put you at greater risk in an emergency, find advice to get ready.

Information and resources to help disabled people to prepare for an emergency are available on the Get Ready website.

Find out more