Welfare services provision
Principles for the delivery of emergency welfare services
Welfare in the context of CDEM refers to emergency welfare services, and is the function responsible for minimising and addressing the potential and actual consequences of an emergency on individuals, families, whānau and communities.
The provision of emergency welfare services by a range of stakeholders is undertaken across the 4Rs (risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery). Welfare services are delivered at the local level and coordinated and supported at the regional and national levels.
Principles for the delivery of welfare
The guiding principles for welfare are defined in clause 64 of the National CDEM Plan 2015.
64 Principles
The principles applying to welfare services are to—
(a) recognise the diverse and dynamic nature of communities; and
(b) strengthen self-reliance as the foundation for individual and family and whānau and community resilience; and
(c) ensure that emergency welfare services address the specific welfare needs of individuals and families and whānau and communities; and
(d) ensure flexibility in the services provided and how they are best delivered; and
(e) integrate and align with local arrangements and existing welfare networks.
Several government agencies perform primary roles for certain welfare services, supported by other agencies as required. Welfare services and the agencies involved in their coordination and delivery are outlined in Section 14 of The Guide to the National CDEM Plan.
For more information on CDEM Welfare please contact CDEMplan@nema.govt.nz