The MAR Centre mission is: To inform our partners, the Government, and the New Zealand public of emerging and imminent natural hazard risks to support a safe and resilient Aotearoa New Zealand.
The core mahi of the Centre involves sending out messages and warnings regarding potential natural hazards to NEMA’s partners and the public. These ensure people in Aotearoa New Zealand are notified about current or emerging threats to life or safety, and what they need to do to stay safe.
When facing earthquake, tsunami or volcanic activity events, the MAR Centre works closely with GNS Science’s National Geohazards Monitoring Centre (NGMC).
The NGMC monitors and measures seismic and other activity to produce assessments which are fed through to the MAR Centre.
The monitoring network includes a series of strategically placed deep ocean assessment and reporting of tsunami (DART) stations (shown on the right) which monitor ocean pressure changes.
New Zealand DART Network - 19 January 2023
This information provides early warning of tsunamis generated by earthquakes, underwater volcanic eruptions, and underwater landslides.
MAR Centre staff then use the NGMC information to produce the appropriate advisories and warning messages for NEMA’s partners and the public.
This messaging is published through email and phone calls for partners and stakeholders, as well as social media platforms and the NEMA website for the public.