CDEM Capability Assessment Tool
Background information and CDEM Capability Assessment Tool file.
The CDEM Capability Assessment Tool follows international examples such as the UK ‘National Capabilities Survey’, or the US ‘Capability Assessment for Readiness’, in aiming to create a standard assessment of emergency management capability for New Zealand.
The tool consists of a set of key performance indicators and performance measures (‘capability criteria’) against which organisations can assess themselves or be externally assessed. Indicators span the 4Rs and are organised in a framework based on the National CDEM Strategy. There are six main sections - four based on the four goals of the National CDEM Strategy, and two 'enabler' sections. They cover topics as follows:
Goal 1: Public education, public information, community resilience, community participation in hazard risk management
Goal 2: Research, hazard risk profile, integrated planning, risk reduction
Goal 3: Capability development, exercising, planning, coordination, operating facilities, warning systems, communications, controllers, resources, logistics, welfare, lifelines
Goal 4: Recovery planning and management
Enabler 1: CDEM Group governance, management, culture, funding
Enabler 2: Risk management, business continuity management, organisational resilience
The assessment tool is intended first and foremost to be an ‘any-time’ self-assessment tool that any agency or CDEM Group can use to evaluate their own capability, but will also support a periodic national assessment cycle in which all agencies with responsibilities under the CDEM Act will be asked to complete assessments to document and understand New Zealand’s collective CDEM capability.
Download the CDEM Capability Assessment Tool version 7.0 (.xls 1.5mb) Updated August 2014