These factsheets are issued by the National Emergency Management Agency to provide outline various processes. They are informative in nature, not being issued under the CDEM Act's authority.
- Government financial support factsheets - These factsheets outline the systems, processes and work scope eligibility criteria as they relate to government financial support to local authorities during or after an emergency.
State of Emergency factsheet and quickguide
This factsheet explains why declarations of states of local emergency should be made, who should make them and how they should be made. It also explains and clarifies some of the issues involved in declaring a state of local emergency. This factsheet replaces the Declarations Director's Guideline [DGL 13/12]. The quick guide includes quick guidance for declaring a state of local emergency including key tests and considerations.
Transition period factsheet and quickguide
This factsheet provides guidance to CDEM Groups on the CDEM Act 2002 requirements relating to local transition periods. These documents should be used when declaring or giving notice, extending or terminating a local transition period.