Consistent messages for CDEM
Consistent messages for CDEM
Nationally agreed, consistent messages for all civil defence emergency management organisations and emergency services to use.
Te Hikoi a Ruaumoko - Ruaumoko's Walk
Te Hikoi a Ruaumoko - Ruaumoko's Walk
Rūaumoko’s Walk/Te Hikoi a Rūaumoko is a bi-lingual children’s book, based on Kahungunu legends and dialect telling the story of what to do in an earthquake with a subsequent tsunami threat.
Drop, Cover and Hold is still the right action to take
Drop, Cover and Hold is still the right action to take
This fact sheet explains the correct action to take during an earthquake (Drop, Cover and Hold).
Tsunami: When minutes count
Tsunami: When minutes count
New Zealanders who experienced the Samoa tsunami in 2009 share their survival stories