The purpose of the Guide is to support planning for pandemic influenza, provide reference material and a checklist on pandemic influenza and a framework upon which more detailed planning may be based.
The Community Pandemic Planning Guide fills a need identified by community groups throughout New Zealand. Developed by the Canterbury CDEM Group, with input from MCDEM, it is designed to help communities to plan to be able to meet their own needs during a pandemic.
This guideline has been developed to provide a framework for organisational debriefing that can be used by CDEM stakeholders.
This report summarises the observations and interpretations of a reconnaissance trip to central Ecuador in November 2004. The purpose of the trip was to investigate infrastructural and agricultural volcanic impacts and volcanic hazard emergency management in Ecuador, focussing on lessons for New Zealand.
Australian Emergency Management Volunteers Summit 2005 report
This fact sheet explains the ‘CDEM Cluster Approach’
‘Focus on Recovery’ provides a framework for recovery planning and management in New Zealand for local government, Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) groups and government departments.
This is the Final Report on the 2004 Review of the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management by the State Services Commission.
The Human Face of Disaster Recovery. This fact sheet outlines how all workers involved in disaster can contribute to human recovery. It summarises changes likely to occur in communities and people during the recovery period, offers suggestions for helping people in crisis.
The Social Dimension of Emergency Recovery. Rob Gordon, Ph.D. This paper presents a model of the social phenomena of emergency recovery and predicts the dynamics of affected communities that enable social recovery to be managed as the context for personal recovery.