Review of Reviews: 2023 North Island Severe Weather Events Report

The Review of Reviews: 2023 North Island Severe Weather Events Report identifies common themes based on a range of reports on the emergency management response to the January 2023 Auckland Flooding Event and/or Cyclone Gabrielle in February.

About the Review of Reviews

NEMA undertook this work to identify common themes from the various reviews into this event and inform the Government response to the Government Inquiry into the Response to the North Island Severe Weather Events. This work also provided an opportunity to pilot the processes used to conduct any future review of reviews projects, and identify a common theme set that could be considered as a national theme set.

The main findings are:

  • There were no surprises that emerged as the reports were analysed.  The findings reflect those of the Report of the Government Inquiry into the Response to the North Island Severe Weather Events.
  • There were six main themes identified. These are: Communities; command, control and coordination; operations; resources; capability development; and corporate governance.  
  • Without a mechanism to share lessons and consistent application of themes the process for drawing out a common set of themes from such a varied set of reports was challenging. 
  • NEMA will work with stakeholders to develop lessons management guidance, a set of national themes and develop a process to share and collate lessons from across agencies. 

Discussion prompts

The report includes a series of discussion prompts related to each common theme identified. These are also included in the report as an A3.  

NEMA encourages agencies to use the prompts to inform discussions as part of their strategic planning.


Review of Reviews: 2023 North Island Severe Weather Events Report (.pdf 1.5mb) 

Published: Sep 27, 2024, 9:54 AM