Tsunami Threat cancelled - Papua New Guinea earthquake
18 Dec 2016
1:09 AM
18 Dec 2016
7:08 AM
A tsunami threat has been issued for New Zealand coastal areas following the 7.9m earthquake in papua New Guinea at 11.51pm NZ time. No evacuations are necessary at this stage. However, please stay out of the water and off the beaches following this evenings tsunami threat. Continue to follow the advice of your local Civil Defence and stay out of the water and off the beaches.
Solomon Islands earthquake - potential marine and beach tsunami threat CANCELLED
09 Dec 2016
7:31 AM
09 Dec 2016
5:04 PM
The potential threat for marine and beach areas has been CANCELLED following the 7.7m earthquake in the Solomons Islands at 6.38am NZ Time. We advise the public who intend to carry out activities in or on the water today, especially along the west coast of both the North and South Islands, that there could be strong and unusual currents for the rest of the day. Therefore, MCDEM advise people to stay out of the water.
No threat
No tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.2M Central America earthquake
25 Nov 2016
8:06 AM
25 Nov 2016
2:34 PM
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following the 7.2M earthquake off the coast of Central America at 7:44am NZ time (providing there is no significant change to the earthquake magnitude as assessments continue).
No threat
No tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.3M Honshu Japan earthquake
22 Nov 2016
10:37 AM
23 Nov 2016
2:58 PM
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.3M Honshu Japan earthquake that occurred at 10:00am NZ time on 22 November 2016.
Kaikoura earthquake
14 Nov 2016
12:18 AM
09 Dec 2016
1:00 PM
A M7.8 earthquake occurred northeast of Culverden at 00:02 NZDT on Monday 14 November 2016. Strong to severe shaking was felt throughout New Zealand. Following the earthquake, tsunami waves were detected on the New Zealand Tsunami Gauge Network. MCDEM issued tsunami warning messages via the National Warning System from 01:00 until 15:00 NZDT on 14 November 2016, at which time the warning was cancelled.
Volcanic unrest
End of Minor Eruptive Volcanic activity at White Island (Whakaari)
13 Sep 2016
1:11 PM
16 Sep 2016
9:26 AM
Minor eruptive volcanic activity has been observed at White Island (Whakaari). The Volcanic Alert Level is now raised to Level 3, from Level 1. The Aviation Colour Code is changed from Green to Orange. The current activity is minor. GNS Science have advised that they are unsure of the implications for visitor safety and will be issuing a further Volcanic Alert Bulletin later this afternoon (3 pm).
Tsunami – Bay of Plenty
National Warning: Tsunami Threat
02 Sep 2016
6:27 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:32 AM
National Warning: Tsunami Threat Issued 0558 hours 2 September 2016 The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning for East Coast of the North Island (including Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty) and Upper South Island. Confirmation has been received that a tsunami was generated at East Cape. A wave height measuring 30cm was measured at East Cape a short time ago. The first tsunami activity has arrived. Tsunami activity will continue for several hours and the threat must be regarded as real until this warning is cancelled. People in the above/ coastal areas should: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share this information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities This warning will remain in effect until a cancellation message is issued by MCDEM. Only messages issued by MCDEM represent the official warning status for New Zealand. We note the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) has issued a Tsunami Information Statement for this event. PTWC messages do not represent the official warning status for New Zealand. Local civil defence authorities will interpret this information for their areas and advise public action via local radio stations. MCDEM and scientific advisors are closely monitoring the situation to determine the severity of the threat to New Zealand.
Tsunami – Bay of Plenty
National Warning: Tsunami Threat
02 Sep 2016
6:27 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:32 AM
National Warning: Tsunami Threat Issued 0558 hours 2 September 2016 The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning (MARINE and BEACH threat) for the North Coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Confirmation has been received that a tsunami was generated at East Cape. A wave height measuring 30cm was measured at East Cape a short time ago. The first tsunami activity has arrived. Tsunami waves are expected to be observed for a couple of hours duration, based on current numerical simulations. Waves are anticipated to be between 0.2-1m. People in the above/ coastal areas should: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share this information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities
Earthquakes – Bay of Plenty
7.1 magnitude Earthquake
02 Sep 2016
5:00 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:33 AM
There has been a magnitude 7.1 earthquake 130 km north east of Te Araroa, at a depth of 55km, at 4.37am. Note that strong tsunami currents and surges are possible. Please keep off beaches. Listen to the radio / TV for updates.
Earthquakes – Bay of Plenty
7.1 magnitude Earthquake
02 Sep 2016
12:00 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:33 AM
There has been a magnitude 7.1 earthquake 130 km north east of Te Araroa, at a depth of 55km, at 4.37am. Note that strong tsunami currents and surges are possible. Please keep off beaches. Listen to the radio / TV for updates.