Find emergency management news and events in Aotearoa New Zealand.
194 results
Catastrophic Event Handbook released
The National Emergency Management Agency Te Rākau Whakamarumaru has released the first version of the Catastrophic Event Handbook.

NEMA urges Kiwis to get summer ready – wherever you are!
Whether you’re at the beach, deep in the bush or just chilling at home - the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) wants you to be ready for anything.

National Space Weather Response Plan
The National Space Weather Response Plan supports preparedness and response to a space weather event. It has key roles and responsibilities agencies that support a space weather response.

World Tsunami Awareness Day: Long or strong, get gone – but where to?
New Zealanders know the catchphrase “If an earthquake is Long or Strong, Get Gone” – but do you know where to “get gone” to?

New Zealanders dropping the ball on emergency preparedness
New Zealanders are increasingly dropping the ball when it comes to emergency preparedness – but the good news is. lifting our game is easy, according to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

2024 Annual Preparedness Survey
The Annual Preparedness Survey is run each year to measure the level of emergency preparedness in New Zealand. The 2024 survey was independently run online with a sample of nearly 1700 people across the country.

Don’t shelter in a doorway – and other ShakeOut quake safety tips
When an earthquake happens, stay where you are and drop, cover and hold – and don’t shelter in a doorway, as you’re far more likely to get injured, says the National Emergency Management Agency.

Strengthening disaster resilience and emergency management
The Government response to the Report of the Government Inquiry into the Response to the North Island Severe Weather Events

When the earth moves for you in bed – stay protected
If the earth moves for you while you’re in bed, it’s important to stay safe and protected, says the National Emergency Management Agency.