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186 results

22 Jun 2020

Report on use of powers during national transition period

The report on the exercise of statutory powers during the national transition period owing to the impacts of COVID-19 is now available.

06 Apr 2020

Cancelled: 2020 National Emergency Management Conference

The 2020 National Emergency Management Conference has been cancelled as a precautionary approach, and as many of the expected attendees, organisers and presenters from NEMA and the sector are at full capacity focusing on COVID-19. At a later stage we will recognise those who have been nominated for CDEM Awards. We look forward to hosting the 2021 National Emergency Management Conference.

26 Mar 2020

Guide to the National CDEM Plan 2015 updated

Six sections of the Guide to the National CDEM Plan 2015 have been revised, and are now available on our website.

18 Mar 2020

New National Fuel Plan launched

A new National Fuel Plan has been launched. The plan provides a a readiness and response framework to manage potential fuel supply disruptions.

New Zealand Government
06 Mar 2020

Information about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

Guidance from the New Zealand Government on the COVID-19 including health advice, travel restrictions and education-related information for students and parents can be found on the GOVT.NZ website.

18 Feb 2020

Information about Novel coronavirus (18 Feb 2020)

Where to find the latest information about Novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

20 Dec 2019

Whakaari White Island Volcanic Eruption

Information for affected people and for people visiting the area during the holiday period.

29 Nov 2019

National Emergency Management Agency to replace Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management

The new National Emergency Management Agency will become operational on 1 December 2019. On this day all of the existing functions and staff of the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management will transfer into the new National Emergency Management Agency and the Ministry will cease to exist.

21 Nov 2019

Nationwide test expected to show increased penetration of Emergency Mobile Alert

The system, which is administered by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) on behalf of a range of agencies, is undergoing a nationwide live test this Sunday 24 November between 6pm and 7pm. Last year six in ten New Zealanders received the alert, and that number is expected to climb further.

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